Modern Myths Paper

Modern Myths Paper

University of Phoenix
World Mythology HUM/105MGT/432

Big Foot

For many years there has been a story told all over North America. No matter how many times it has been told, it ends with a big walking, black hair creature fumbling through forests. This animal, or man, is seen by hikers, people riding horses, or camping. The witnesses take pictures and send them to newspapers, magazines, and internet sources all saying “We’ve seen Bigfoot!”
Bigfoot has also been the given the intriguing name of Sasquatch. Bigfoot is known to many as a figure that inhabits the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and the British Columbia providence of Canada. He looks like a very muscular apelike creature, stand anywhere from seven to ten feet tall, covered in black, brown, or dark red hair, has no neck to even be accounted for, large eyes, noticeable eyebrow ridge, loarge, but low, forehead area, with ahead described as round, crested, and similar to the that of a male gorilla. The first thing most people have been recorded of saying when they have alleged to have seen this creature, “where did he come from?” Something so different, not normally seen, and remarkable in his characteristics.
Depending on who you ask, you can get very different answers. Northern American Indians, particularly the Sioux, have held Bigfoot on high in praise. They see him a person with something very grand about his nature, like he is the link between the animal and human mind, making him have some type of power that we only wish we had. One has to understand that for the Indians to believe and praise an animal with these characteristics is not unusual. Indians regard animals as “elder brothers” and “teachers” and not “inferior” to man as many humans do today. Elder man in many tribes of the Northwestern Sioux tribes will not even eat bear meat because of the resemblance they see between men and bear, so imagine their feelings toward something with the characteristics of this...

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