Modern Science Creates a Super Athlete

Modern Science Creates a Super Athlete

  • Submitted By: jhuynh
  • Date Submitted: 12/30/2013 2:14 PM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 2798
  • Page: 12
  • Views: 75

As the world becomes more advanced through trials and experiments, super athletes are created by modern science. Performance enhancing drugs gives the user an increase in strength that benefits athletes in a sport. Humans consists a brain where one can only use a small percentage of the brain, a Neurotopia machine is a piece of technology that develops the brain even further than its original state. Now in many sports, equipment is now manufactured to be efficient to the athlete in a game. Lifestyle habits such as certain intake before or after a game affect the mechanics performed by the athlete. Treatment and recovery techniques are used to aid the athlete’s recovery at a faster rate. Cyrotherapy is a technique used where the athlete recovers at a quicker rate through today’s technology. The super athlete rises from intense research and will nearly reach perfection in the mere future.
Performance enhancing drugs provide subtle effects that alter the athlete’s performance in a certain sport. Anabolic steroid increases the male athlete’s muscles by 38%. Anabolic steroids are synthetic analogs of testosterone that allows the body to utilize protein and train with greater intensity without losing muscle mass. It has also acts as an anti-inflammatory that both protect the body from injury and quick recovery after an injury has occurred. Only these effects are achieved with consistent training and these benefits achieved may not have a dramatic increase. By simply taking steroids does not simply increase one’s muscle but gives the athlete the ability to perform intense workouts without becoming over trained. Steroids come with side effect that includes short-term increase in their sex drive, followed by suppression of natural testosterone output and shrinkage of the testes. For women masculinization is a side effect that includes deepening of the voice, menstrual irregularities, development of facial hair and clitoral enlargement. In both genders there is an...

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