

In the early 1960‘s the “hippies” a group of youths created their own community. Tough it was mostly a mobile community that embraced sexuality, drugs, love, peace and listen to psychedelic music. Hippies had an affect on cultures, they had followers. The group influenced fashion, music and television programs. Hippie’s generation is what Riesman calls a type of social character known as other-directedness. “Other-directedness is the openness to the latest trends and fashions, often expressed by imitating others” (Maclonis, 2006 p.464). Following an individual’s value or taking on their identity is a form of social change. Social change is a small sector of modernization. Moderation is the big picture that can and has changed nations.
The United States modernization manifest was not because of an individual expression. Money (capital) is the foundation of the United State modernization. Technology and industrialization could not exist if the United States did not have capital to support strength and well-being of the country. Money enables research to take risks on technology. Tonnies, Durkheim, and Weber theory are all true to the modernization of the U.S. All the theory’s in some form leads to Marx’s theory of capitalism.
Tonnies expressed how industrialization weakened the typical traditional family, this is true. Family time went form enjoying other people’s entertainment to entertaining oneself by television; industrialization took away for the olden day’s family value of family time. Some families can go for at least nine hours before they see a member of their mediate family. Durkheim explains division of labor where the people or not the same or not held together by a shared moral sentiments. The days were everyone performed he same job in assemble is now either competition because of individuals trying to get ahead. On the other hand Weber stated that modern people will accept the social pattern that allows them to reach their goals. All...