Montessori Education

Montessori Education

Q1.How does Montessori describe “Education”? How is it different from general explanation of the world? What is unique about the Montessori system?
Ans- Dr Montessori felt that education should no longer consist only of imparting knowledge; it must instead take a new path seeking the release of human potentialities. However, it must not be forgotten that, “if education is to be an aid to civilization, it cannot be carried out by emptying the schools of knowledge, of character, of discipline, of social harmony and above all of freedom.
Montessori education emphasizes learning through all five senses not just through listening, watching or reading. Its approach to education follows the lines of developmental psychology and education should be an aid in life. It is a comprehensive educational approach from birth to adulthood. Developmental education is concentrated on the phases of the individual’s growth from birth to maturity. It tries to respond to the child needs as he develops to help to progress of his adaptation, without laying too much stress on the programme officially imposed. Dr Maria wrote ‘education is to help child’s developing life’. (The Absorbent Mind chapter 8, pg 81) The first task of education is to provide the child with an environment in which it is able to develop its natural function. From birth to age six, children are sensorial explorers, studying every aspect of their environment, language, and culture. Dr Montessori noted ‘during this early period, education must be understood as a help to the unfolding of the child’s inborn psychic powers. (The Absorbent Mind chapter 1, pg4). The child is not soaking up all aspects of his environment, not just the positive learning experiences carefully arrange for him. He is enthused, enamoured of, addicted to his environment. Thus, the concept of prepared environment is fundamental aim to perfect a learning environment that will meet the needs of him, as individual, regardless of the stage of...

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