Motorcycle Diaries

Motorcycle Diaries

The Motorcycle Diaries


After watching The Motorcycle Diaries, I learned many different things about Latin America. I have a lot of respect for Ernesto and Alberto for being able to handle themselves alone in a place where they had very little resources for themselves. I thought it was interesting how that there was such a different culture and environment in every country they went into. I thought the most modern place they went to was Lima. There was more of a city feel to it and there was definitely a difference between the rich and the poor. But when they met some Andean Indians, they got a feel of a different culture and a way that a lower class lived. I think that Ernesto transformed a lot throughout the film because when he received the American money from his girlfriend, he refused to spend it on anything. But when he meets the poor couple in the desert, he gives them the money. This shows that he became less selfish, and really wanted to give to people in need. There seemed to be a very big difference between higher and lower class people in every country that Ernesto and Alberto traveled to. Some people had nothing and were “homeless in their own land,” while others could afford many luxuries. The unique aspects of Latin America that this film brings to life are the many different cultures and the difference between countries. In conclusion, I thought this movie was very interesting and well written to show aspects of life.

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