

How was the Enlightenment reflected in the music of the Classical Era?

the classical era style- classical music
is a reflection of- resembles
the enlightnement ideals- what the classy people thought was cool back then
of pleasing variety- interesting variety
and natural simplicity- and simplictiy

this type of music has interesting variety and is sometimes very sweet and simple. this music was a form of extraordinary art. it evoked emotion and inspiration. it was a desirable form of entertainment for the rich.

Science was much more important than religion and having ideal mathematically proportioned sculpture was very important for the classical Greeks and these ideas of education, democracy and science again became important during The Enlightenment, hence the revival of classical ( naturalistic, ideal, sometimes mathematically based) art.

The Enlightenment is matched with the high baroque and classical eras in music, and the neo-classical period in the arts. It receives modern attention as a central model for many movements in the modern period. Another important movement in 18th century philosophy, closely related to it, focused on belief and piety. Some of its proponents, such as George Berkeley, attempted to demonstrate rationally the existence of a supreme being. Piety and belief in this period were integral to the exploration of natural philosophy and ethics, in addition to political theories of the age. However, prominent Enlightenment philosophers such as Thomas Paine, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and David Hume questioned and attacked the existing institutions of both Church and State. The 19th century also saw a continued rise of empiricist ideas and their application to political economy, government and sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology.

How do the ideas of the Enlightenment continue to affect us today?
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