My Auto biography

My Auto biography

My name is Romulo. I was born in Chiclayo City. Chiclayo is the north of Peru. I lived there for 25 years. My father was Jorge Del Carpio. He was a retired public employee. My mother is Maria Ines Sanchez. She always has been a hoursewife, and always has stayed at home, and taken care of her family.

My parents have eight boys. Six of their sons are married. Four sons are returned missionaries and the younger son is serving his mission in Bolivia. My oldest brother lives in New York. The second lives in Berna, Switzerland. The sixth lives in Utah, and the last is serving a mission in Bolivia.

My family joined the Church in 1973. The testimony of my father was very important for me, because the Gospel taught him many things. It taught him order in the life. He always told us never to depart from the gospel, because this was very important in our lives.

I studied in grade school in the school named San Jose from 1978 to 1982. I had only one teacher. She was Elizabeth Puicon and my best friends were Alfonso Becerra and Jose De Los Santos. Actually they are professional. My school was near my house and I always went walking to the school.

I studied in high school in a school named Politecnico from 1983 to 1987. In this school I had many friends very good. I started to play basketball until became to play for my school. I always liked the Math. Almost always I didn't study, but in the courses in letters I always was worried.

Later I studied at the University from 1988 to 1992 in the architecture program. When I studied in the University played basketball for the school, and had many friends. When I finished the University the University had two good friends. One is name Luis, and the other is Carlos we were always studying and playing.

When I finished the University. I had to do my thesis of graduation and I choose design a Vacation Center in a place out of the City. This was one of the best jobs that I did.

I after graduated as an architect. I...

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