My favorite teacher

My favorite teacher

My favorite teacher is Calleb,a teacher from East Africa.For me,Calleb is not only an English teacher but also a mentor of my life.He is a great English teacher because the way he teach English is interesting and funny.For example:He lets us play word puzzle to remember the vocabulary,and sing a song to remember the words in lines.Sometime he leads us to pratice sentences by acting.He teaches me not only English but also how to be a good girl.I have taken his class since I was 5.He is just like a big brother for me.That’s why we could talk about different topics:such as school family and everyday life.Now I’m going to tell you two stories to show you how Calleb becomes a mentor of my life.One day,I was very upset because I got only 85 on my English test at school.When I got to the cram school, I told Calleb right away because that can me feel better after scold.However , Calleb did not scold at me, but encouraged me to wrok harder and do better next time.From that moment,I tried my best to prove it that I will do my best in every challenge I meet.The other story is about my worse attitude toward my day afternoon outside the cram school,I was waiting for my mom to pick me up.An hour later,mymom did not show up.Calleb noticed my situation.So he asked me to go inside to call my mom.However,I angrily asked my mom,”Why didn’t you show up?” She answered,”Sorry,I forgot.”Her reply made me even more angry.So,I faught with Mom on the phone,and then hung up the phone angrily.When I finshed my conversation with Mom,Calleb had a short talk with me.Calleb said,”You shouldn’t be mad at your mom just because she made such a little mistake.You should feel ashamed about your behavior”Then I apologized and say sorry to my mom.Thanks to Calleb’s advice,otherwise, I might be still mad at with my mom and keep being inconsiderate.Therefore,I told Calleb,”Iappreciate what you’re reminded me very me very much. Those words made me realize how worse my attitude and manners...

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