my virtual child 1

my virtual child 1

1 How is your child progressing on self-regulation AND social skills? How do your child’s strengths and limitations in these areas compare to what is age-appropriate (include a discussion of both self-regulation and social skills). Support your examples with specific theories and/or terms from your book and/or class.
One of the most important skills that children develop is self-regulation—the ability to manage one’s behavior so as to withstand impulses, maintain focus, and undertake tasks even if there are other more enticing alternatives available

Izzie is social-regulation is progressing on schedule for her age group. She able to follow basic routines and rules with occasional reminders.

Izzies’s ability to control her emotions, behaviors and thoughts, in other words to self regulate well for her age as well as her motivation and likeableness to this style of parenting (Lecture Chapter 10).
Age 3
Make transitions and follow basic schedule, routines and rules with occasional reminders
Izzie is not generally able to sit still or stay quiet through an entire meal at a fast food restaurant. You see some other kids of about the same age sitting quietly at the restaurant.
You tell Izzie what kind of behavior you expect, and give reminders during the meals. If she does well, you give a small treat at the end. If she messes up, you say, "Too bad, I hope you get the treat next time."
You tell Izzie what kind of behavior you expect, and give reminders during the meals. If she does well, you give a small treat at the end. If she messes up, you scold her. If there is an embarrassing mess up, you take her into the restroom for a spanking.
You tell Izzie how you want her to act, but you think it is important to have a pleasant meal so you tolerate Izzie's misbehavior. You think Izzie will improve gradually as her attention span and self-control increase.
You think Izzie is behind, so whenever she misbehaves, you explain how it makes you angry and...

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