Myths of Early Us History

Myths of Early Us History

Columbus discovered America and that the earth was round right? Weren’t the Puritans pure? Didn’t the Civil War begin to abolish slavery? There are many of the questions in a U.S. History course that everyone must face and answer. However, unknown by many people, these “truths” that are taught in our schooling system are very wrong and far off of the truth. In 1992 during the 500th anniversary celebration of Christopher Columbus' discovery of America there was much dampening that occurred when Many Americans found out that Columbus was not the hero that they had believed him to be. Many people learned of these terrible details for the first time, which makes me think back to the stories I had heard in school that were just terribly wrong. The fact that Columbus’ truths have been revealed to me puzzles me since the recent news does not agree with what I was originally taught. Those who take the time and put forth the effort to educate themselves of the truth behind the myths of Columbus are usually shocked, as I was, by what they find. A piece of my shock was related to Columbus himself, he was directly and very personally responsible for much enslavement, Countless torturing, murder and even as extreme as mutilation of thousands of Indians of the Caribbean islands that Columbus and his brothers ruled. Another part of shock can be credited to the legacy that Columbus left for the people who extended his policies: the institutionalization of slavery and mass murdering of the Native American Indians; the slavery of millions of Africans that were literally stolen from their homes and brought to America for the sole reason of gaining riches for the Europeans. He can also take credit for destruction of the Native American Indians Environment that had provided for the Native American cultures, But Columbus was a nice man, an American hero….Right? The last part of my shock was the shock of realizing that I was lied to. Why is my childhood memory of Columbus so...

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