

Nacirema is a little-known tribe living in North America. The Nacirema people are highly civilized and barbaric in their ways. I have studied them for years, and have identified many body rituals that are practiced by the majority. I have learned a lot about this strange and mysteries people. Nacirem citizen use most of their time pursuing economic prosperity. It is no surprised that the Naciremas have a highly developed market economy. The Nacirema are a society obsessed with the preservation and maintenance of their bodies. They have many body rituals, some that are done in private; others require the assistance of certain medicine men. After reading about this tribe I was shocked at how much they focused on their appearance. There perception of perfection is unreal. The female breast is a great example of this perception. The perfect shape of a breast is humanly imposable, but females still strive for this shape. The shrine is a place so sacred that the rituals are still a secret. The ritual is only passed down to Nacirema citizens offspring’s at an early age. In these shrines are magical boxes. These boxes are built in the shrines wall. These boxes contain charms and potion to heal the body. A very sacred ritual of the Nacriema involves the holy mouth man. The mouth is very important to the Nacriema people. The mouth is believed to have a supernatural influence on all social relationships; without a healthy mouth gums will bleed, friendships end, and lovers reject them. No wonder rituals are conducted for the mouth. These rituals are very painful. Visits to the Holy mouth man are made one to two a year. Medicine men have temple called litipso. Extreme rituals are performed here; so extreme that many die. Children are very reluctant to go to the litipso. They see the liptiso as a place to die. The litipso is very expensive to enter. People have been thrown away from the litipso, because of their lack of income. The last type of specialist, a “listener”, works...