Nervous System

Nervous System

  • Submitted By: serjtank
  • Date Submitted: 11/11/2008 12:14 PM
  • Category: Psychology
  • Words: 667
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 593

Text Reading Outline: The Cerebral Cortex


G. Cerebrum--responsible for higher forms of thinking--divided into two halves or cerebral hemispheres
1. Connected by band of fibers called corpus callosum
2. Right hemisphere in charge of left side of the body
3. Left hemisphere in charge of right side of the body
4. Lateralization--each hemisphere has somewhat different tasks and talents
5. Covered by layer of densely packed cells--cerebral cortex
a. Grayish appearance = gray matter
(1) Made up of cell bodies of nerve cells
(2) “White” matter beneath cortex is formed by myelinated axons
b. Contains three-fourths of all cells in the brain
c. Divided into four regions
(1) Occipital lobes--contain the visual cortex
(2) Parietal lobes--contain somatosensory cortex, that receives information about pressure, pain, touch, and temperature from all over the body
(3) Temporal lobes--contain auditory cortex
(4) Frontal lobes--contain the motor cortex; responsible for making plans, taking initiative, and thinking creatively
d. Association areas make up large parts of the cerebral cortex
e. Prefrontal association areas involved in personality
(1) Damage to the prefrontal cortex may affect this
(2) Case of Phineas Gage shows the outcomes of damage to the prefrontal cortex
(3) Involved in social judgment, rational decision making, and the ability to set goals and make and carry through plans
(4) Involved in determining the proper order of behaviors and knowing when to stop

A. Split brains: A house divided
1. Corpus callosum, which connects the cerebral hemispheres in normal brains, is severed
2. This surgery has been performed in animal studies and for some human conditions such as severe epilepsy
3. Effects
a. Split-brain patients are able to lead normal lives
b. Effects on perception and...

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