News Article

News Article

The topic I chose to write on pertained to the newspaper advertisements that were distributed after it was realized a slave had escaped his/her owner. These ads were published throughout the south and also other
The primary source I found interesting to analyze was an ad submitted by who seemed to be the owner of a run away slave. This writer seemed to view this young boy as a possession rather than a human being. The owner states the boy as a being a young negro boy named George Stewart around the age of about 20. What first caught my eye about the ad was the cash reward stated at the top in all caps.
.Every ad is in many ways very similar. One thing that was almost certain to be found in a runway slave advertisement was some sort of reward, most of the time being a cash reward. This would encourage the city or town to keep a look out for the person being looked for by his owner. Another thing that is found in a slave advertisement is a brief description of the runaway slave, as shown in the primary document discussed earlier
This primary source document I chose to analyze is very fit for this class because slavery is something that will always be a part of African American history. This document gives people the chance to see how African Americans were viewed during the 18th century, not as human beings, but as possessions of another human. The world has transformed so much since this time and many fail to realize the sacrifices these people had to make in order for the life we live to no longer be a dream, but instead reality.

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