No Excuses and No Days Off

No Excuses and No Days Off

No Excuses and No Days Off |
You’ve got to give it all you’ve got, if you think that it’s about wanting it bad you’re wrong. It’s about NO DAYS OFF! No sick days, no holidays, no birthday and no snow days.Those who attempt the difficult often obtain the impossibnle |
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| | | How Bad Do You Want It |
Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong mental attitude. |

Make It Yours There was a young man who wanted to make a lot of money and so he went to this guru right. And said to the guru y’know I want to be on the same level you are the guru said if you want to be on the same level I’m on I’ll meet you tomorrow at the beach. So the young man got there at 4 a.m ready to rock and roll, the old man grabs his hand and says how bad do you want to be successful? Really bad! Walk on out in the water.. so he walk out into the water and goes about waist deep, and starts thinking that this guru is crazy. Hey! I want to make money and you got me out here swimming, I didn’t ask to be a life guard I want to make money. Come out a little farther, now he has it right around his shoulder area. The guru told him to come out a little farther til it was around his mouth, now he’s like “this old man is crazy I’m about to go back in, this guy is out of his mind! The old man said I thought you said you wanted to be successful? He said I do! Then walk out a little farther. So the guru came dropped his in, held him down and holding him down, he had him held down. Just before he was about to pass out, he raised him up. He said I have a question for you, when you were under water what was did you want to do. Breathe, when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you’ll be successful.Have your own company fonts or colors? No problem! Those galleries give you the option to add your own. |
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