No Limits - Jonathan Livingston Seagull

No Limits - Jonathan Livingston Seagull

No Limits

The gull sees farthest who flies highest.

In other words, we should aim high to achieve our goals. The quote was very appropriate for Jonathan Seagull’s character. He didn’t stop to fulfill his dreams and aspired for more. He strived harder to become a better gull.

Jonathan is very unique among the flock. Most gulls don’t bother to learn more about flying but he is different. Even though he became an outcast, it didn’t stop him to continue learning instead he practiced tirelessly all day to master the art of flying.

I admire Jonathan very much. I was inspired by him to dream for greater things and not to settle for something less. Most of the time, people tend to overlook the simple pleasures of life. We always search for something more but never really acknowledge what we already have. We aimlessly try to achieve perfection but in the end do we really attain it?

Any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits.

I believe perfection exists in our hearts. The fleeting feeling when we have done something fruitful. We could always count the things we have done successfully but the perfect sensation could never be measured no matter what.

While I was reading the book, I noticed that Jonathan Seagull somewhat resembled Jesus Christ. He was the “messiah” of the flock. He saved the outcasts, guided them while they were learning and taught them how to forgive. Like in the bible, Jonathan was very humble. He never bragged about his ability to fly. He instructed Fletcher to continue teaching the things he has taught to him.

Keep working on love.

These were the last words of the Elder Gull Chiang to Jonathan. The words of the elder had a great impact to me. As they said, it is easy to love our friends but quite impossible for our enemies. Saying the word forgive is much easy than doing it.

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