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no titile

There are many differences between the cultures of the United States and Japan. Some of these include religion, the food they eat, the clothes they wear and the way they view their people. It is believed that cultural differences are not changing, but work related norms and values may be. It is also believed that those cultural views continue to have strong influences on the way organizations practice business.
Japan and the United States are only close in one of the six dimensions, Power Distance, Both countries are less likely to push for the symbols of authority and power in comparison to a culture with a higher power distance. They are also more likely to allow employees to give input into important decisions that have an impact on business practice.
In the second dimension, individualism, Japan and the United States are very different. In the United States, emphasis is placed on the accomplishments and goals of the individual. In Japan, it is the achievements of the group that they find more important. In the sixth dimension, the United States also scored much higher than Japan. The United States is showing to be a more indulgent culture. They are more likely to have less control over their impulses. In Japanese culture, they tend to restrain themselves by putting less emphasis on leisure time and more control over the gratification of their desires.
In the last three dimensions, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and pragmatism, Japan scored considerably higher than the United States. In cultures like Japan, a high score on masculinity defines their culture as being one who is less likely to allow women to be in leadership roles. Countries that score lower in this dimension, like the United States, have a culture in which women in upper management is supported. Uncertainty avoidance is a dimension that scores a culture’s need to control future events that may affect the business. Japan scored high in this area. They put more emphasis on their...