No Title 3826

No Title 3826

Entertainment: the corruptor The human race has always pursued entertainment as the means to acquire diversion. However history has demonstrated that civilization is naturally blissful to the devastating content that entertainment dispenses. Television and Motion picture have only further proved this assertion. Therefore entertainment has the capacity to ruin society.

Entertainment gradually worsened for over a period of a century from The Jackson Era to the Present. In May 10, 1849, at the Astor Place Opera House, two stage actors named Edwin Forrest and William Charles Macready were set to play Macbeth on the same night but a professional feud between the two caused a riot that resulted in the death of twenty and the destruction of the theatre. This incident confirmed that those within the entertainment world who harbored jealousies of any kind could be capable of carrying out such horrid acts solely to protect their vanity. It also revealed to the general public that entertainment was heading towards a path of future deadly fiascos. During that same 19th century yellow journalism surfaced in which many newspapers in the United States relied on sensational stories that were meant to anger or excite, rather than to inform. This debacle only bewildered most the nation into believing that the Germans would invade them or that the Chinese would strike infants in the air with bayonets. The country was not able to stumble on a reliable source to behave well through out the day. Even in the present day entertainment continues to worsen.

Movies and Television are the most damaging forms of entertainment because they distort the mentality of society permanently. Many prime time shows such as " Family Guy" and " Desperate Housewives" contain coarse language and sexually suggestive situations. Children viewing these programs have become accustomed to these extreme ideas to the point that they began to utter every thought with an obscenity or...

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