


Dear Friend,
As a part of our project, we would like to gather some information from you which will help us in a study about stress management. We would be obliged if you help us in filling the questionnaire. Since the questionnaire is being used for academic purpose, the information gathered will be strictly confidential.
Part1: Multiple Choice
1. Do you have a good learning-life balance?
* Yes
* No

2. Do you allocate time for leisure activities?
* Yes
* No

3. How often do you have peaceful sleep?
* Rarely
* Sometimes
* Mostly
* Almost everyday

4. How often are you stressed out?

* Never
* Rarely
* Sometimes
* Frequently
* Always

5. Why do you feel stressed out?
* Excessive coursework
* Examinations
* Placements
* Peer pressure
* Relationships
* Problems at home
* Others:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. When you have tons of exercises to do at same time, how do you deal with it?

* I start doing from the first to the end.
* I think first, and then make a plan for what I going to do.
* Get annoyed and bored with learning.

7. When you encounter a problem, you...

* Take it as a challenge.
* Think about what necessary steps to take to deal with it.
* Blame others for the problem.

8. If a person you are waiting for is late, you?

* Find something to distract myself with while waiting.
* Read a good book or take in the sights and relax.
* Get annoyed and angry.

9. When something forces you to change your lifestyle, you?

* Accept the changes.
* Learn how to deal with the changes.
* Complain about it.

10. What techniques do you use to come out of stress?

* Yoga or Exercise
* Meditation
* Pursue hobbies and interests
* Positive thinking
* Others………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Part II: For...

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