NT 2580 Lab 5

NT 2580 Lab 5

Lab #5
1. What is the purpose of the address resolution protocol (ARP)?
ARP is a protocol used for resolution of IP addresses into MAC addresses and vice versa.
2. What is the purpose of the dynamic host control protocol (DHCP)?
DHCP is used on an IP network to assign IP addresses to computers on the network. This is done without any human intervention. The computer requesting a DHCP-assigned address is given one by the network’s DHCP server within a range of assigned IP addresses which are tracked by the DHCP server. A DHCP-assigned address is normally assigned to a computer for a set lease time and after that lease expires, the computer must renew the IP address or request a new one.
3. What was the DHCP allocated source IP host address for the Student VM and the Target VM?
4. When you pinged the targeted IP host, what was the source IP address and destination IP address of the ICMP echo-request packet?
Source: (my external IP)
Destination: (www.yahoo.com)
5. Did the targeted IP host respond to the ICMP echo-request packet with an ICMP echo-reply packet? If yes, how many ICMP echo-reply packets were sent back to the IP source?
Yes, the target did respond with ICMP echo reply packets. My computer sent four request packets and the destination server sent four reply packets back.
6. Find a TCP 3-way handshake for a TELNET, FTP, or SSH session. What is the significance of the TCP 3-way handshake?
The TCP 3-way handshake is needed to establish a reliable connection as opposed to an unreliable connection such as UDP. The handshake allows the server and client to agree on parameters that provide for security as well as reliability.
7. What was the SEQ# of the initial SYN TCP packet and the ACK# of the SYN ACK TCP packet?
Initial SEQ# is 30 and ACK# is 31.
8. What is the purpose of TFTP and what transport protocol does it use?
TFTP, or Trivial File Transfer Protocol, is a simplified version of...

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