

Unit 3 Assignment

A bus network topology is a network architecture in which a set of clients are connected via a shared communications line/cables. There are several common instances of the bus architecture, including one in the motherboard of most computers. Bus networks may be the simplest way to connect multiple clients even though many may have problems. When two clients want to transmit at the same time on the same bus, this may cause some problems. Thus systems use bus networks normally some may have scheme for collision handling or collision avoidance for communication on the bus. Though this may be quite often in using Carrier Sense Multiple Access or the presence of a bus master’s who controls access to the shared bus resource.
A ring network is a network topology in which each node connects exactly to two other nodes, forming a single continual pathway for each node - a ring. In a ring network data travels from each node to the other node/s with each node handling every packet. A ring network provides only a pathway between any two nodes at one time. Ring networks may be disrupted by the failure of a link. A node failure or cable break will isolate every node attached to the ring. A malfunctioning that any workstation can create problems for the entire network.
A hierarchical network or a tree network resembles a star network in that several computers are connected to a central host computer usually a mainframe. However, these client computers also serve as host computers to next level units. Thus, the hierarchical network can theoretically be compared to a standard organizational chart or a large corporation. Typically, the host computer at the top of the hierarchy is a mainframe computer. Lower-levels in the hierarchy could consist of minicomputers and microcomputers.

Unit 3 Exercise 1
1. Application (in terms of cabling infrastructure): The application layer is the OSI layer closest to the end user, which means both the OSI application...

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