Nurses Verse Being a Medical Assistsant

Nurses Verse Being a Medical Assistsant

Although Medical Assistants and Nurses have a lot in common, nurses get a better salary. They have way more opportunities then medical assistants. There’s always a high demand of employment for nurses, and nurses can pursue further education to advance in another field or specialty unlike medical assistants. They both work in a hospital or doctor’s office, both make sure patients are comfortable and cared for, and they both are relied on for the smooth operation of a medical office of hospital. They share a lot of the same duties such as patient care, light procedures, the safety of patients, and work environment.
Medical Assistants and Nurses are two distinct professions that play a major part in people’s lives every day. However, to me a nurse’s job is way more important and rewarding. Nurses don’t have to worry about administrative duties, they are more involved in performing procedure such as administering IV’s, administering internal anesthia, or operating medical equipment. Nurses specialize in a variety of fields, such as anesthia, public health, childbirth, trauma, or they may become nurse practitioners. Nurses have advanced education, unlike medical assistants, nurses can further their education to advance in different fields and specialties. Nurses are licensed to pass medication and help build a short-term or long-term plan for their patients. The pay for nurses is way more than the pay for medical assistants.
I’m currently a medical assistant and I love my job. It makes me feel good just to know that I can help someone feel better if it’s no more than to give them a glass of water or putting a smile on their face. Although I love being a medical assistant I can’t wait to become a nurse. I have always wanted to be a nurse since I was a little girl. To me a nurse is a more challenging and rewarding career that not only offers excellent pay, being a nurse you can work for agencies
Bridgette Feemster
making more money, not to mention nurses get a...

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