Nursing Ethics

Nursing Ethics


Nursing Code of Ethics Paper

SCENARIO: You are a nursing student and witnessed two peers cheating during a course exam. These two individuals are “popular” and seem to be well liked my all the students and faculty at your school. (CCN, 2012).
The Code of Ethics for Nurses
Cheating while in nursing school does no good for your academics. This only in turns makes your education harder because when it comes down to the NCLEX examination. I believe that when you work hard, and I mean really at something, the end results are always rewarding. Nursing school is not meant to be easy or everyone would be nurses. Its designed to make student critical think and apply the knowledge in a different way than regular courses. This means putting in the endless hours a week to pass your test, and know that you pass it because you worked hard to learn it. Cheating may be a quick fix, but it’s not in your long term goal. What happens when you get out of school, and make a serious medication error? You are solely responsible for your patients.
As a nursing student taking the same exam, this would offend me in many ways. I had to spend many hours to learn the material on my own. What makes you think you don’t have to? I don’t care if you are the most popular student in school, I will be reporting you to the administration; I would not want a student that cheated there way through school working on one of my family members or anybody at that. When you observe something to that extent, you have a choice. Do the right “moral” thing, or pretend you never saw it. Pretending you never saw it goes against the code of ethics for nursing, and makes you just as guilty for not standing up for something you believe it.
The nursing code of ethics is essential in laying the foundation of nursing. Nursing encompasses the prevention of illness, the alleviation of suffering, and the protection, promotion, and restoration of health in...

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