Observing the Shasta County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Observing the Shasta County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Observation Meeting
The Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting was very informative, structured, and maintained the objectives of the agenda. I observed the meeting on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. at Shasta County Administration Center. The meeting lasted for about forty-five minutes.
Shasta County consists of five districts with a supervisor for each. District 1, David Kehoe; District 2, Mark Cibula; District 3, Glenn Hawes, who was absent at this particular meeting; District 4, Linda Hartman; and District 5, Les Baugh. The Supervisors followed an agenda that was typed on a piece of paper. The agenda was divided into two different sections: a consent calendar and a regular calendar. Supervisor Hartman called the meeting to order. The Invocation was provided by Pastor Paul Schmidt of Liberty Hill Christian Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Supervisor Hartman. During the consent calendar portion of the meeting, the public was allowed their comments to be heard provided they had completed a form ten minutes prior to the board meeting that day.
The meeting was very structured and kept to the scheduled objectives. First, they went through the Consent Calendar. The General Government topics address the Administrative Office of Emergency conditions talked about the California wild fires that we had this summer. Second, they had the Auditor/Controller approve and authorize the County claims list. Regarding topic 3,4 & 5, the Clerk of the Board was to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, to adopt a resolution for Enterprise Elementary School District regarding Conflict of Interest Code, and to reappoint the same people to the Fall River Resource Conservation District Board for another four-year term.
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