

  • Submitted By: Paul-Dinh
  • Date Submitted: 01/18/2016 3:37 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 1287
  • Page: 6

Highest Achelois, she who eases mortal pain,
Heal my burning memory
And wash away this feeling.
Losing a friend is an immense misfortune, losing two is disastrous.
A sister is more than a friend; she is an extension of oneself.
Losing a sister shatters the heart.
My heart is now shattered.

Each in the same room,
Julie the vivacious pacing,
Melissa the rational sitting at the desk,
And warm-hearted Lexi sat in her lounge chair.
One can usually sense the attachment the girls have to one another,
Though today seems different. They are distanced,
Their faces each wear a sad look.

It was rational Melissa who said it first,
Though all the girls could see it.
Melissa thoughtfully stated:
“My dear sisters,
For you are truly my sisters even though not by blood,
I feel a disconnection between us. It is worrisome.
It worries me even more that no one wants to bring it up.
Nothing is more formidable to me than the possibility of losing the two of you.
However, at the moment, it seems inevitable.

Lexi the warm-hearted cut in:
“Nothing is inevitable my dearest Melissa, especially not this.
We will always be friends
No matter what separates us.
That I know for sure.”

Melissa, in her rational way:
“If nothing is inevitable,
How do you know our friendship will last?
Sometime, there will be something that separates us,
Though I pray to Caerus, god of luck,
That we will be lucky enough to grow old in each other’s company.

Warm-hearted Lexi replied:
“The gods have blessed us with our friendship,
A gift that is sure to last a life time.
We need not worry about losing each other due to petty mortal reasons.”

Julie the vivacious cut in:
“I’m moving across the western ocean.
Far away from here,
To a new country.
I am not coming back, even if I cared to.
Though I am glad to have met you both, I love you very much,
I will not look back and wish I had stayed.”

Like a brick wall of water,
A harsh wave crashing into the shore....

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