

The character development is one of many things that make this novel a great read.
The characters are put into realistic situations and have to deal with lifelike emotions that the readers can relate to and understand. Marsden has written this story with great skill and it really makes you feel like you know the characters. Each character has distinct strengths and weaknesses making them more human. Its easy to put yourself into another character’s shoes because of the way Mardsen describes his characters. In the book each character is an individual and each has different reactions to a certain events which makes them more realistic. The characters all grow and change throughout the story and Marsden shows this well in this writing. The character Homer changed from being a rebellious child to a responsible leader and becomes more mature. Another thing that Marsden has done incredibly well is the characters are excellently portrayed realisticly.

In this novel the main characters are teenagers and the main audience is targeted to teens. Since most of the readers are teens, the teens are able to connect to the main characters because they most likely be going through the same things, emotion wise. This draws the reader in and makes them want to keep reading the story. Another reason that this book draws the readers attention is that it caters for different audiences. Some people like action books and there is lots of action going on in the book. Also some people like romance books, in the book relationships start the develop between the main characters in spite of the war.

Structure of the book

The structure of the book is a little different to the way many books are structured. It starts off not at the beginning of the story but where many things have happened and it makes you want to read on to find out what the characters are talking about. It is also written in a journal format which many books are not written in. Since it is written at a point for the...