Cheironomyare the hand signals designed to provoke certain notes and certain emotions or dynamics. This is another big shift that happens in the Romantic Period. Absolute Music: It is meant to be music without referencing or evoking any extra musical ideas. Absolute Music firmly breaks away into it'sown popular genre in the Romantic Period. Absolute music is strictly music without association. It is written just for the sake of music. Program Music: It is meantto capture the spirit of a poem, a person, a place, a thing, etc. The idea of Program Music is not new to the Romantic Period. It's been around for a long time. Program music is a type of music that is inspired by or that depicts non-musical ideas. Scherzomeans "joke," so they're light and lively, in triple meter, and are either in a ternary or a rounded binary. Chromatic4ths are not just an interval, it is a melodic line that encompasses a perfect 4th, but uses every interval along the way, and often does it in a stepwise, simple way (particularly in the way Beethoven does it). Treatise on Instrumentation Thisis the bible for symphony orchestra. This is the first thing that discusses fully what all the new instruments coming about from the Industrial Revolution do, what they're about, and how players can maximize their instrument playing. Grand Master Berlioz! Symphonic Poem (one movement work, because of how he treats initial theme). Invented by Liszt! He comes up with a theme, then transforms it, not develops it. Symphonic poems always have fancy, evocative titles. Les Preludes Themost famous symphonic poem. This piece becomes the marching cry of the Nazis. Symphony No. 7 by Brucker. He called it "Hitler." It was played under Hitler's death announcement. Developing Variation Brahms'technique of playing with melody (has multiple themes, varied in classical forms). This is basically the absolutist music of the romantic period's version of "thematic transformation." Bruckner rhythm Brucknerloves...