

The results on my scale showed that I perceive myself to be a competent communicator in the areas containing friends and dyad. I scored 90 % in the friend’s subgroup. I scored that high because that is whom I am most comfortable with. I spend the majority of my time with my friends so it would make sense that friends are my strongest area when it comes to interacting with others. I can be myself and the conversation flows the best around my friends. Dyad was also one of my stronger areas. I think I scored pretty high because when it’s just me and another person talking. I am interested in the conversation and my attention is to them. I take the time to talk, listen, and contribute to the conversation. I like keeping the conversation going in order to avoid the awkward silence. I am pretty comfortable with talking one on one with another person.
The stranger subgroup was my lowest group. I particularly like to keep to myself and not be a hassle to anyone. I personally think being in that situation makes me uncomfortable which is why I don’t do it as often which makes it my lowest group. Even though, I think talking to strangers is a great way to improve communication skills it is defiantly a skill that can be developed and one can get used to.

I picked my sister who is one year older than me to participate in this. My sister is the most accurate person for this task because she knows me the best out of anyone. Since we are so close in age we have done and still continue to do a lot together. She knows my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to interactions with others. We spend a lot of time around each other and with that, the results were pretty much the exact same when she filled it out. The strongest subgroup was friends with 90%, which is the exact same score as I gave myself. The next highest was dyad which also was the second highest when I filled it out. The lowest subgroup was strangers. Even though the numbers were a little different, a stranger...

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