Orca Whales

Orca Whales

Orca Whales

The Orca whales, also known as “killer whales” or “sea monster” the scientific name is Orcinus orca, which means “from hell“. The orcas are found all over the globe in all cold and warm regions. Orcas are one of the top predators in the ocean. They are top predators because they can attack baby blue whales, sperm whales and other types of marine mammals. Whales also work together in groups which are called pods to kill their prey. Their intelligence is extraordinary. They attack their prey like ramming, throwing and breaching and landing on it. They also spy-hop to locate other prey.
Orcas and humans appear to be working together quite well at seaworld. Trainers ride them, and they seem pretty friendly. This is where humans are mistaken these animals are trained by professionals and still can be very dangerous. The orcas are not as friendly as they appear, there have been several attacks on trainers, but like anything else they have their reasons for attacking. The Orcas are very territorial and can be very violent and aggressive towards humans. There have been many incidents where people could jump in and swim with them some have survived and some have died. Even though there are a fascinating creature and very exciting to watch. They are an endangered species and sometimes we need to be reminded of that.
Whaling used to be a big thing a long time ago they used to hunt whales for all sorts of things like the oils for candles and the skins for clothing. Commercial hunting came to an end in 1981. Unfortunately it has continued in Norway.
Many whales have collapsed fins many humans claim they are sad which is not true. There dorsal fins can get of to six feet high, over time it will collapse because it is made out of cartilage this is only one theory. Another theory is that the jet running in the water causes it to collapse.
The Orca whales are fascinating creatures. How they operate in the wild and their...

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