Other Causes of Anorexia Nervosa

Other Causes of Anorexia Nervosa

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa Family: Rigid, over-protective, controlling families may cause their children to develop anorexia, especially during adolescence, when new demands for independence and identity occur. Other causes: Peer pressure, events of trauma (lost of love ones, a break-up etc), social pressure to be slim (the media’s distorted view/image of beauty), How to help? Adopt a gentle approach. Express concern and offer encouragement constantly. Encouraging them to seek treatment, using a lighter tone, avoid forcing the anorexic party. Help patients see that they need help and to maintain their motivation thereafter Weight restoration – this goal is needed to reverse the malnutrition and of itself usually leads to substantial improvement in the patient's overall state Use of compulsory treatment – Only relevant to a few cases Listen to what the anorexic student have to say without any interruption and without making any judgement Seek advice from a health professional Refer to a local mental health program specialising in this disorder Family-based Therapy/Treatment – addressing patients' overevaluation of shape and weight, their eating habits, and their general psychosocial functioning Talk to the anorexic party’s family and friends, forming support groups to help Counselling: group therapy (teens can form peer support, encouraging one another) Helplines: Girl Power! Tel:(800)729-6686729-6686) National Eating disorder association Tel: (206) 382-3587 Resources: Emotional and Behavioural Disorders 4th Edition, Margaret Cecil Coleman http://www.womenshealth.gov/bodyimage/kids/bodywise/bp/student.pdf http://www.helpguide.org/mental/anorexia_signs_symptoms_causes_treatment.htm http://www.ehealthmd.com/library/anorexia/ANO_causes.html#family http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/157/3/469...

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