

  • Submitted By: BMAC7
  • Date Submitted: 11/19/2008 5:49 PM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 530
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 1


• He may have hit his head after losing consciousness and died.
• Ötzi may have been a shaman who had made many enemies as he grew older; some may have decided to end his reign. Ötzi held a high status in his society.
• Bone studies suggest that, when he died, the Iceman was 45.7 years of age
• Ötzi was a shepherd evidently went for long walks over extremely hilly terrain" and "was much more active than his contemporaries" as reflected by the appearance of his tibia.
• 1. He had whipworm parasite eggs in his colon. This means that Ötzi had a fairly severe intestinal disorder which would have caused diarrhea or possibly dysentery.
• 2. He had fleas, or so said scientist Conrad Spindlier, in an interview with the Austrian Press Agency. According to Spindlier, recent testing revealed the presence of two fleas in the Iceman's clothing. Spindlier said that fleas have previously been traced back only to the 5th or 6th Century B.C.
• 3. His right hip joint showed signs of aging (it had a small fracture typical of what happens after a lifetime of wear and tear).
• 4. His body showed signs of healed fractures (ribs and nose).
• 5. His fingernails showed signs of stress during the last few months of his life.
• 6. His lungs were discolored by the residue from smoky fires.
• His equipment included:
• a longbow made of yew
• a chamois hide quiver
• fourteen arrows (only two finished)
• a copper ax
• a flint-bladed dagger with a woven sheath
• a tool for sharpening (retouching) flint
• a larch wood frame and cords of a backpack (pannier)
• ibex bones
• two birch-bark cylinders
• a calf leather belt pouch
• a tassel made with a white marble bead and twisted hide strips
• two pieces of birch fungus (each threaded with hide strips)
• other tools
• His clothing included:
• two shoes
• A kind of goatskin poncho or coat
• A bear fur...