p4 unit 11 health and social care

p4 unit 11 health and social care

Outline key legislation and regulations which govern safeguarding adult work
Legislation is a law or a group of laws.
Why is legislation important when dealing with vulnerable adults?
Legislation is particularly important when dealing with vulnerable adults to ensure that they are well protected and looked after, for example, the Equality Act 2010 aims to ensure that everyone is given the same opportunity regardless and treated the same. This is particularly important when dealing with vulnerable adults as they will need protecting and looking after more, so to ensure that they are in no legal way abused, then the legislations help to safeguard and keep them safe.
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006)
The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 is a piece of legislation set to restrict contact between children and vulnerable adults and those who might do them or cause them harm. This act ensures that both children and adults, who are deemed at being more at risk or subject to harm, are fully protected against abuse or harm. Any individual who is wanting to work with vulnerable adults with have to ensure that they have a full DBS check to ensure that they are 100 percent suitable.
The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974)
The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 ensures that ex-offenders no longer need to disclose certain past criminal convictions. This means that the ex-offender is not required to disclose the conviction when, for example, applying for most jobs or taking out insurance policies, or if they become involved in a criminal or civil case. This therefore means that the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act is more of a help to those who have minor convictions, or very few of them, whereas those with a great number of serious convictions are unlikely to benefit from this act at all.
The Police Act (1997)
This is the act that ensures that anyone who wants to apply for a health and social care profession has a DBS check otherwise...

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