

Care related Pain

Back ground and Problem

More than 60 percent of injuries involve musculoskeletal system and more than half of hospitalized trauma patients have at least one injury related to bone, joint and soft tissue.
Orthopedic patient are mostly disturbed by pain after the reconstruction procedure. Pain has no specific definition it can only be describe by the person expressing it, which could result in psychological distress, emotional disturb and may end up in physical disability.
C. Favre and Hanon C researched on care related pain in rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery. The objectives of the study is to understand patient and care givers view about care related pain as the degree of pain experience vary among individual and sometimes it affect the recovery process.
The researchers give some important statistics on care related pain in conjunction with the caregiver and patient view toward pain. Literature that relate to study was reviewed, although some of the patient did not value the idea.

Critique of Research Purpose and Research Questions

The purpose of research is to reveal the patient and caregiver view as it relates to care related pain management. The objective of the study is clear and supports the problem statement of the study. The study has a few questions, questions were extract from the literature review, and a clear research question is: How do patient perceive pain and caregiver view of pain?
The researches utilize a qualitative research method to support the argument. It involves analysis of various sources in the literature review and questions require a theoretical model. The formulated research questions are linked to problem statement therefore answering the questions using data provides good conclusion.

Critique of the Literature Review

The literature reviews gives a clear knowledge about care related pain. Different sources...

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