paper 809

paper 809

In this paper I will discuss invidious comparison and vicarious traumatization that I have experienced in my personal life. I will give examples of how I stopped invidious comparison, identify the strategies I currently use to avoid vicarious traumatization and invidious comparison in my personal life, and give strategies that helped me avoid vicarious traumatization as a Domestic Violence Advocate working with clients.

is a transformation in the self of a trauma worker or helper that results from empathic engagement with traumatized clients and their reports of traumatic experiences
Invidious comparison means choosing between two things is an unfair one because the two things are very different or are equally good or bad.

Vicarious traumatization means the transformation in the self of a trauma worker or helper that results from empathic engagement with traumatized clients and their reports of traumatic experiences. Its hallmark is disrupted spirituality, or a disruption in the trauma workers' perceived meaning and hope.

Invidious comparison is a behavior that is likely to make others around you mad. Invidious actions are discriminatory actions where one person is treated unfairly as compared to others. Invidious comparison means choosing between two things is an unfair one because the two things are very different or are equally good or bad.

Work: Vicarious trauma
•be aware that there is a normal emotional reaction to the work of the department
•discuss any work-related issues with a colleague, peer support officer or line manager, or if necessary, an Employee Assistance Service counsellor
•take responsibility for your self-care and balance work demands and personal life
•where available, access professional supervision networks and forums
•challenge yourself to grow professionally by working on a variety of cases, creating a plan of professional education and attending professional forums

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