Paper on something

Paper on something

Gun Control Laws
Dylan Butterfass

As the world evolves and grows the people in it also grow and evolves. Today, in America, we are faced with the problem of gun violence. America, being the country that most freely allows its citizens to own guns, has the 13th worst gun violence in the world, right behind Mexico. Knowing that, I don't think anyone can argue that control is needed in America. I understand that America was founded on principles that gives us all freedom, but being that those principles were set 200 years ago, I think it's time for them to be re-looked at. Secondly, research has been done all over the place on whether high gun ownership makes a country more or less safe and I think everyone would be surprised to know the truth on the matter. And as Obama said, “If we can save even one child.... we have the obligation to try.” That speaks for itself.
Our constitution was written in 1787 and the Bill of Rights in 1789. The the amendment that allows citizens to bare arms is the 4th amendment and it reads as such, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” As found on This whole document is over 200 years old and is obviously outdated. The amendment originally intended to allow its citizens to bare arms in case of a war or rebellion, such as the civil war, on our own ground. But now that it's 2014 that definition is still being used but has lost all its meaning. America, having one of the largest and most powerful army in the world, no longer needs it's citizens to be able to defend the country. This amendment is now useless and people think that since it was part of the start of America that it shouldn't ever change. Taking all violence out of the picture the fact of it is that the amendment intent to protect us from other countries and now that is no longer the case. Even...

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