Patronage in Politics

Patronage in Politics

1. The term patronage means
This is used in the extract to mean that Thatcher
3. Tony Blair has developed the office of prime minister because he proved himself to be a decisive leader by telling colleges for speaking out of turn and reform and reformed & centralised the party. For new labour, the agenda they have is said to be very much Blair’s. The imprint of him was shown in the decision for him to get in lots of staff, personal staff and press secretary into downing street. In doing this Blair showed one of his aims to provide a strong leadership . He doubled the media personnel and has the biggest ever policy unit. The cabinets influence declined quickly because Blair mainly relied on bilateral meetings and the house of commons, this is less significant because of labours huge majority where Blair managed to end up with two thirds of the seats in commons. He chaired personally to no less than four cabinet committees and often, Blair did not always agree with the ideas of his own party.
4 .I think it is true to say that the uk has features of a prime ministerial government that cabinet because most people think that the most important and powerful person is the prime minister but they doesn’t run the country on his own. The cabinet discusses nearly all matters so you could say that the UK has a cabinet government but if you look at Margaret Thatcher , she hardly used the cabinet at all. But when john major was in power he used quite often and used their opinions. I would say at the moment with brown we have a cabinet government because yes, the prime minister is more important because we are the ones who voted for him to make the decisions but he has got equal power to some ministers. He uses the cabinet to help him make decisions and unlike Blair and Thatcher he doesn’t just go with his own opinion , he asks others too in decision making. I think the UK government depends on the characteristics of each prime minister and how hard the government...

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