Paul of Tarsus

Paul of Tarsus

1. What is Paul teaching about salvation?
Paul is teaching that salvation is the key to the Kingdom of God. By loving one another, one must praise God through the holy trinity in order to attain salvation, as human sin is an inevitable aspect of life. This is the key element for the redemption of sins and Christ redeemed our sins through his sacrifice. The divinity and humanity of Jesus is conveyed through the recognition that he is the Son of God; Jesus possesses divine qualities that go beyond human existence that will save man from sin. Paul preaches that anyone who indulges in the actions that go against the Ten Commandments is a sinner and will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Therefore, Paul’s teaching expresses that salvation is the main element for the redemption of sins.

2. What is Paul’s teaching about Baptism?
- Baptism is salvation, washing away sins.
- Christian baptism is an act of obedience to the command of Jesus, declaring the believer’s faith in and identification with their crucified, buried, and risen Savior.
- Jesus commanded that all Christians were baptized. The apostles commanded that all - - Christians be baptized, which explains why the book of Acts and records of the early church show that Baptism was practiced consistently.
- It is a visible declaration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- The believer being baptized is immersed beneath the waters in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which expresses the believers’ death to sin, and the burial of their old life, and then brought out of the water, which expresses the believers’ resurrection to a new kingdom life in Jesus Christ.
- Purifying ritual involving water through Aspersion (sprinkling), Effusion (Pouring) and Immersion, a cleaning process.
- Baptism is crucial to be on the path towards Salvation.

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