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Pdf, Doc, Docx

  • Submitted By: phuong1612
  • Date Submitted: 05/08/2013 1:52 AM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 2866
  • Page: 12
  • Views: 160

How to make a mesh
Summer Seminar ISC5939 .......... John Burkardt Department of Scientific Computing Florida State University http://people.sc.fsu.edu/∼jburkardt/presentations/. . . . . . sem 2012 mesh.pdf

10/12 July 2012

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SURVEY: The Great Trigonometrical Survey of India
Meshing analyzes geometry.

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SURVEY: A Township Survey
Meshing can organize a territory into patches.

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How to Make a Mesh

Meshing Computer Representations The Delaunay Triangulation TRIANGLE DISTMESH MESH2D Files and Graphics 1 2 2 D Problems 3D Problems Conclusion

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The finite element method begins by looking at a complicated region, and thinking of it as a mesh of smaller, simpler subregions. The subregions are simple, (perhaps triangles) so we understand their geometry; they are small because when we approximate the differential equations, our errors will be related to the size of the subregions. More, smaller subregions usually mean less total error. After we compute our solution, it is described in terms of the mesh. The simplest description uses piecewise linear functions, which we might expect to be a crude approximation. However, excellent results can be obtained as long as the mesh is small enough in places where the solution changes rapidly.

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Thus, even though the hard part of the finite element method involves considering abstract approximation spaces, sequences of approximating functions, the issue of boundary conditions, weak forms and so on, ...it all starts with a very simple idea: Given a geometric shape, break it into smaller, simpler shapes; fit the boundary, and be small in some places. Since this is such a simple idea, you might think there’s no reason to worry about it much!

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Indeed, if we start by thinking of a 1D problem, such as modeling the temperature along a thin strand of wire that extends from A to B, our meshing problem is trivial: Choose N, the...

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