personality openness

personality openness

I scored very low in the openness test. The test identified six personality traits: imagination, artistic interest, emotionality, Adventurousness, intellectual interest, liberalism. With imagination I scored average and I agree with it because rather hear the facts; I’d rather deal with reality. I scored low on artistic interest and I kind of agree with this but then I don’t. I can look at a piece of art or nature and enjoy it and appreciate it but I’m nowhere near artistically talented. And I don’t have a inner need to go look at art and understand the abstract idea it is supposed to represent. My level for emotionality I scored average. I do agree with this because for the most part I am able to express my feelings to people as long as I know them. I like to think that I’m pretty in tune with my emotions. I scored low on adventurousness which doesn’t surprise me at all. I do not seek out to get that rush besides going to an amusement park. I do wish I could travel and try new things and I think that I would if I had someone to do it with but on my own not so much. I scored low on intellectual interests and I agree with it. I would rather deal with people and things instead of ideas. As everything else I scored low on liberalism and I agree with that. I most of the time will not challenge authority. I’m more of a just follow the rules and stay out of trouble type of person.
The other areas of the test are conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Conscientiousness includes levels of thoughtfulness, impulse control and goal-directed behaviors. Those high on conscientiousness tend to be organized and mindful of details two questions that could be on this part of the test are “I am known to make quick, hot-headed decisions.” Or maybe “ I could be insincere and dishonest if the situation required me to do so.” The next area is extroversion and is characterized by excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and amounts of...

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