

What is personality?
• Personality is an enduring pattern of an individual’s behavior.
What are personality characteristics?
• Personality characteristics help us tell people apart and anticipate their behaviors.
Details of various personality characteristics (e.g., self-esteem, locus of control, self-monitoring, Types A & B personalities, etc.)
• Self-esteem is the extent to which a person believes that he or she is capable, significant, successful, and worthwhile. Individuals with high self-esteem exhibit confidence, value themselves, take more risks in job selection, may be more attracted to high-status occupations, opt for occupations that match their abilities and self-perceived traits, and are more likely to choose nontraditional jobs than individuals with low self-esteem. Leaders with high self-esteem are more likely to be successful in inspiring, motivating, and providing a supportive work environment for the new knowledge workers to be creative and productive.
• Locus of control is a personality characteristic that reflects a person’s belief in personal control in life rather than in control by outside forces.
• Internal locus of control is a belief that many of the events in one’s life are primarily the result of their own behavior and actions.
• External locus of control is a belief that what happens is determined by outside forces such as other people, fate, or luck.
Internal Locus of Control External Locus of Control
Independence More independent and proactive; less susceptible to the influence influence of others.
More dependent and reactive; susceptible to of others.
Use of information active politically and socially. satisfied than internals with amount of
information they have. Good at utilizing information; more active politically and socially Fewer attempts to acquire information; more satisfied than internals with amount of information they have
Performance Perform better than externals on learning and...

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