Perspectives of Affirmative Action

Perspectives of Affirmative Action

Perspectives of Affirmative Action
Racial and sexual inequities characterize the contemporary American economy. Everyone except for white males, including men and women of color and white women are more often to not have a job or not receiving enough jobs (Blanchard 3). When they do find a job they find their selves with a lower status, and lower wages than white men. This also goes for all occupational levels; members of these groups are paid less. The question on how to correct the problems of racial and sexual discrimination in a word environment; and how to show the injustices of centuries of discriminating personal attitudes, behaviors and institutional policies (Blanchard 3). One contemporary solution is known as affirmative action. Affirmative action programs have been added in all sectors of the economy to correct racial and sexual injustices. Affirmative action programs are different, ranging from those that require an organization to a certain amount of underrepresented people (Blanchard 3). Affirmative action program even raise issues of fairness for organizations for the whole society. The talk of “reverse discrimination” from white males has been a response to different types of Affirmative programs and the general policy of affirmative action as well (Blanchard 4).
There are two principles that are in the American consciousness that are known as the “American Creed”. The principles contribute in defining America as a nation, and as an individual. The two principles are: individual rights and equality before the law. There has always been a gap in between the ideals and how they really are done, certainly when it comes to Black-Americans; a significant segment of the American population that has been left out of the picture through most of American history (Raza 1).
The first efforts by the federal government to enforce equal opportunity and civil rights policy began after the Civil War. But these attempts fell short, but on the...

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