

Substance Abuse
Selinna Echavarria
Liberty University

There are two major forms of drug administration: external and parental. The external form of drug administration is most common in a tablet form and its functions hold the form until it reaches the gastrointestinal tract and then breaks down into the blood stream (Doweiko, 2015). Another common form of external drug administration is a capsule, which is basically an altered capsule. The parental form of drug administration is when drugs are directly injected into the body. The parental form of drug administration skips the process through the gastrointestinal in contrast to the external drug administration. The drugs do not filter through other foods and the process is not slowed down as in contrast to a external drug administration.
Subcutaneous is a form of parental drug administration that is ingested right under the skin. When a drug is administered right under the skin, it is slowly absorbed. Another form of administration is into the muscle of an individual, also called intra-muscular injection (IM injection). This type of injection will be absorbed faster than an injection ingested right under the skin, requiring less time for a high. A third type of administration is called intravenous injection (IV injection) and is the fastest parental administration, which provides the fastest high. Even though parental administrations can be taken intravenously directly flowing into the bloodstream, the do not have an immediate effect (Doweiko, 2015).
Cellular transport and diffusion are two types of absorption forms that assist with cells to carry out assigned functions. Within cellular transport, there can either be active or passive. Depending on the method of administration, the drug has different delay time when it comes into affect. The rate of blood flow also affects the time a drug comes into affect within an individual’s body. The route of...

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