

Homework for 5/21/08

1.Kauss has 4 reasons for which he finds cloning “repugnant”. First, he argues, cloning would give the cloned person the sense that they are not a unique individual, but merely like a photocopy of the original thing. Much as a copy of the Mona Lisa wouldn’t be nearly as valuable as the real thing. Secondly, he raises the point that this would separate, in our minds, what exactly people are. Instead of reproduction, we would view our offspring as a commodity, much like a pet, or even worse. Thirdly, which really seems to be a sub point of the second point, parents would simply view their kids as property. Fourth, Parents would not view their kids as has having a special relationship. They would not understand the meaning of having a special relationship with their child.

2.The violinist analogy is one of the best I have ever read. What is given here is to imagine that you wake up and find yourself attached to an unconscious violinist via kidneys. The doctors inform you that the violinist has a life threatening alement and needs a kidney transplant, and you are the only person with the matching blood-type to do s. So, against your will, they attach your kidney to the violinist against your will and inform you that it will “be only 9 months” that you have to be this way. Would you detach yourself and run, killing the violinist? Remember, the right to life outweighs your choices. “What if it were 9 years?” The author asks. In this case, one would be tempted to say, “screw it” and choose living their own life as being more important than keeping this unknown, violinist attached against their own will.

What the author here is trying to express is that in the case of an abortion, we would do much the same thins (hint hint, 9 months). If we had another person attached to us for 9 months, we would choose our own freedom over the rights of thi

Homework for 5/21/08

1.Kauss has 4 reasons for which he finds...

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