PHL 464 UOP Course Tutorial/ Tutorialoutlet

PHL 464 UOP Course Tutorial/ Tutorialoutlet

PHL 464 Complete Course Material

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PHL 464 Questions
PHL 464 Philosophy Matrix I: Mythology, Religion, and Philosophy
PHL 464 Philosophy Matrix II: Ancient Quest for Truth
PHL 464 Philosophy Matrix III: Hellenistic, Medieval, and Early Modern Thinkers
PHL 464 Philosophy Matrix IV: Late Modern, Continental, and 19th-Century Thinkers
PHL 464 Philosophy Matrix V: Modern and Postmodern Thought


PHL 464 Philosophy Matrix I: Mythology, Religion, and Philosophy

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From any of the readings of this week—Homer, Hesiod, Sophocles, or any of the pre-Socratic philosophers—choose and copy statements or passages that you consider mythology, religion, or a philosophical treatise. Find one example for each discipline.

In addition, choose one statement for each of the categories for your own life or current day reading.

Below the matrix, explain in a brief paragraph the difference between the three categories.

Cite your sources consistent with APA guidelines.


PHL 464 Questions

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How do mythology, history, and religious dogma at the beginning of Western philosophy correlate?

What do the mythologies from the beginning of Western thought tell you about the mindset of the people who told and shared those stories?

How does the belief in the gods of mythology differ from your belief system? How are they similar?

This week, you learn about different ways of searching for knowledge or truth. Compare the types of inquiry the authors of the readings inside the textbooks describe? Which of those ways do you apply for your search of knowledge or truth?

Compare the type of inquiry of...

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