Physical Education Classes

Physical Education Classes

Physical education classes are becoming important. They are differ from several years ago. Now, most schools have P.E class. Furthermore, more and more students think they are important. According to the survey, we can know more about if people think sports (or physical education classes) should be included in the school curriculum.

The survey was designed to cover four questions. Here is a list of the questions.
1. Are sports (or physical education classes) an important part of the school curriculum?
2. Should sports education be included in elementary schools?
3. Should sports education be included in secondary schools?
4. What are the benefits of sports education?
Twenty-two people completed the survey. These people were selected based on their sex, 10 male and 12 female.

Those results prove the hypothesis correct. Physical education class is important, it
should be included in the school curriculum.
On question one: there are 100 percent male students think sport is an important part of school curriculum, but 58 percent female students do not think it is important part.
On question two: all the male students and 83 percent female students think sports education should be included in elementary schools.
The result of question three is the same with question two, only 17 percent female students say “no”.
About question four, those two parts of students both think sports education can keep health, and makes people feel relax.
The results support the hypothesis that Physical education class is important, it should be included in the school curriculum.Because it is very important ,it is good for teenagers' body and mental health.

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