Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical Education

In a physical education course, you are educated on how to achieve good personal hygiene, adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and getting sixty minutes of cardiovascular activity a day. These four things are imperative for staying healthy and clean.
Personal hygiene is quite essential to sustain social interactions and to prevent diseases or infections of the skin. Humans are social creatures, and without personal hygiene, we risk social acceptance if our body is unkempt. We also become easily susceptible to diseases of the skin or parasites, such as lice or acne. Personal hygiene includes showering, using deodorant, brushing your teeth twice a day, washing your hands and washing your clothes.
Adequate sleep is vital to our well being. Without it, we prevent our ability to learn and stay alert. When we limit our amount of sleep, it’s difficult for our brains to retain information, slowing the learning process. It also contributes to bad eating choices such as sweet and fatty foods, which ultimately ends in weight gain. To achieve adequate sleep as a teenager, it’s necessary to sleep for a minimum of eight to ten hours each day.
A balanced diet is crucial to one’s health. It helps us accomplish a long healthy life, control body weight, and lower harmful cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as increasing beneficial HDL cholesterol. A balanced diet includes carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, mineral salts and fibers. For example, foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains; low or non-fat dairy products and lean proteins are needed for a balanced diet.
Sixty minutes of cardiovascular activity is an excellent part of keeping yourself mentally and physically healthy. Physical activity helps you live longer, improve self-confidence and limits mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. Personally, I enjoy jogging around my neighborhood to increase my...

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