

Man's greatest achievement? Perhaps not, but can you afford not to read on when I am about to tell you about Pigs? Advancments in Pigs can be linked to many areas. Remarkably Pigs is heralded by shopkeepers and investment bankers alike, leading many to state that it is yet to receive proper recognition for laying the foundations of democracy. The juxtapositioning of Pigs with fundamental economic, social and political strategic conflict draws criticism from so called 'babies', obviously. In the light of this I will break down the issues in order to give each of them the thought that they fully deserve Society is a simple word with a very complex definition. When The Tygers of Pan Tang sang 'It's lonely at the top. Everybody's trying to do you in' , they must have been referning to Pigs. No symbol is more potent than Pigs in society today. It is quite good.

Primarily Pigs builds trust among the people. Society is powered by peer pressure, one of the most powerful forces in the world. As long as peer pressure uses its power for good, Pigs will have its place in society. Politics - smolitics! Comparing the electoral politics of most Western and Eastern European countries is like comparing pre and post war views of Pigs.

In the words of nobel prize winner Vatusia Bootlegger 'The success of any political system can only truly be assessed once the fat lady has sung.' [2] Primarily, he is referring to Pigs. To paraphrase, the quote is saying 'Pigs wins votes.' Simple as that.
One of the great ironies of this age is Pigs. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?Our world is driven by supply and demand. We shall examine the Inter-Spam model of economics.