Playing Favorites

Playing Favorites

It is important to understand that parents do have favorite for yourself and your future children. You yourself may be the favorite child of your parents and may obviously see that. I think it’s important to understand that even if your parents do not admit it, your siblings can probably sense the favoritism. I think in order to grow your relationship between you and your siblings you have to understand how they feel not being the favorite. I think you also, for their self-esteem, cannot broadcast that you clearly are the favorite child. Sometimes by not even hearing it aloud, your siblings may not feel quite as badly. I also think it is important to understand this for your future children so that you do not clearly and obviously show which child is your favorite. ​
I think that the fact that parents may actually have favorite children says that as humans, even though we are the most developed of the primates, we still follow evolutionary and genetic patterns. Most parents’ favorites are either the youngest or the oldest child. This shows in nature too. For eagles, they favor the oldest offspring, because they are most likely the strongest. For coots, they favor the youngest offspring, because they are most likely the weakest and need more help. I think this says that us as humans can have the same instincts as our ancestors.
In my family of two children, my younger brother is most definitely the favorite. My mom can favor me sometimes, but because of my brother’s sensitivity and “cry-baby-ness”, he requires more attention. My dad most definitely favors my brother, but I think that is because he is the only boy in the family that is carrying on the last name. Overall it does not bother me very much that my brother is the favorite. Sure I am annoyed sometimes, but that is mostly because he is a ten-year-old baby.

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