Pmo Governance

Pmo Governance

3.0 Project Management Office Governance Process

3.1 Purpose & Overview
The intent of the PMO is to ensure the success of the overall IICC initiative by establishing a sound basis for accountability and visibility of all IICC’s projects. This process will provide rapid and accurate information to all levels of management, thereby ensuring the availability of consistent and current information. Information required for management control will be taken directly from planning and status information developed and supplied by the project teams.

The Year 2000 PMO is responsible for the coordination and control of all Year 2000 project activities across the entire enterprise. By assuming high-level responsibility for the project management, the Year 2000 PMO ensures the integrity of the overall compliance effort across the enterprise. Under this model, the individual sub-projects will continue to be executed by separate areas throughout the enterprise, or outsourced, according to the project needs. The Year 2000 PMO tracks those internal, and external, sub-projects to ensure that all required activities are completed within the mandated time frame. It also provides a central point of contact for the outside world. As such it can exchange knowledge with other companies, vendors and industry organizations. The Year 2000 PMO is a permanent fixture that must remain in place until the organization is Year 2000 compliant. It is also equally important to empower the Year 2000 PMO to make and enforce strategy decisions.

The following diagram provides a high level overview of the Project Management Process. Other details are provided in following sections.

3.2 Project Planning Phase
Each project will participate in an initial in depth planning process which will establish a comprehensive baseline plan for each project. The resulting plan will have the following attributes:
Π all project...

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