Police Traffic Control

Police Traffic Control

• National highway training and safety administration

Speed Enforcement
• Speed kills-its that simple
• A collision at 60 mph is twice as likely to cause a fatality as one at 45
• 4 times as likely at 70 mph

Reaction Time
• It used to be figured at ¼ of a second
• It has since been revised, rightfully so to one and a half
• How far a car travels during this time depends on its speed
• At 50 mph it will travel 110ft
• And this does not include stopping, just reacting then braking

Ohio Speed Laws
• Why does Ohio have 3 different speed laws
• To cover all elements in a speed violation (and to cover the defense of speeding)

Basic Speed Law
• It is unlawful to drive a vehicle on public roadways at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under existing conditions. Existing conditions include both actual and potential hazards
• The intent of this law is simply to prohibit unsafe speeds

Basic Speed Law Cont.
• The basic law makes No mention of any specific speed limit. To convict for this speed law, it is necessary to show that the vehicle’s speed was to fast for present conditions (and this is hard to do in most courts unless you have a speed reading), this is the old speed for conditions citation

Prima facie speed law
• A prima facie speed limit does not change the basic speed law. Even when a prima facie speed limit has been established it is still necessary to show that the accused was traveling too fast for existing conditions. Prima facie means “at first glance” or “on the face of” we are talking signage. The prima facie limit is an indication of the maximum reasonable speed under favorable conditions. Who decides what is reasonable? Prima facie is only a guide. It indicates a safe and prudent speed.

Absolute speed law
• It is unlawful to drive a vehicle on public roadways at a speed in excess of the absolute limit “X” mph
• Under this speed...

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