Population Migration to Other Countries

Population Migration to Other Countries

Population Migration is a seasonal or permanent movement of a population from a country to another as a result of low wages, shortages of food, overcrowded living conditions, political persecution, high crime rates, wartime conditions or lack of economic opportunities..They both have consequences which includes the three main reasons why in my opinion population migration rate is a world issue and it affects part of our population. First because all the good jobs would be taken, second because they would lose their most enterprising bussiness people and third because they would have to change hey language religion and tradition.
When we say that all the good jobs would be taken we’re not specifically talking about steeling. Immigrants however do not take the jobs of citizens. They take those dirty, dangerous jobs that others don’t want to. Unfortunatelly the nperception that immigrants cause job losses sometimes leads to unfounded displeasure towards newcomers.
Sending countries very often lose their most educated and enterprising bussiness people. These citizens leave in search of better opportunities for themselves and their children.
Population Migration is a seasonal or permanent movement of a population from a country to another as a result of low wages, shortages of food, overcrowded living conditions, political persecution, high crime rates, wartime conditions or lack of economic opportunities..They both have consequences which includes the three main reasons why in my opinion population migration rate is a world issue and it affects part of our population. First because all the good jobs would be taken, second because they would lose their most enterprising bussiness people and third because they would have to change hey language religion and tradition.
When we say that all the good jobs would be taken we’re not specifically talking about steeling. Immigrants however do not take the jobs of citizens. They take those dirty, dangerous jobs that others...

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